Monday, April 25, 2011

Round two...

With the music under our belts, we move on to round two and begin blocking.  The music for the most part is already sounding great(besides a certain song that I am struggling to spit the words out during and once again shakespeare)  and everyone is holding their own.  Now is the time to memorize, memorize, memorize and get the darned script out of my hand so I can get into character better than if still reading the script like a 5th grader standing in front of the whole school reciting a peom that was assigned to us in class.  No one wants to hear that from an adult!  Especially people on stage with you. 
No matter how much I think I am memorized I still mess up.  In my mind the words come out, "I am saying my lines perfectly"  but the mangled string of words that spew forth from my mouth sound like, "alksdmcoa; ijse;flknasxlkcn" .  It happens!  I hate it!  But I march on and try as hard as I can to be prepared for rehearsals and not be the weak link that breaks the chain. 

Going from music to blocking will be a smooth transition but my thought proccess needs to change.  During Music rehearsals I would constantly be thinking "where do I breath"," how many beats is that"," why does the time signature switch so much".  No I need to be think as Peter more and not so much as Dowdy  (Which I like not thinking like myself for a change...) but as I said the transition will be smooth and I will be prepared for anything. 

I think that should do it for today folks!  I am sorry it took me so long to post this blog and to nake up I am going to try and blog once again this week! I hope I didn't bore you! 

Also, if anyone that is following this has a question they would like to ask me, please feel free and I will try to answer the best I can....

Another note.. I saw Next to Normal   Wednesday the 13th  and  Saturday the 23rd and it was amazing!!!!   I hate to say it because Alice Ripley is a wonderful actress but I preferred Pearl Sun and her counter part Jason!  She had an amazing voice!  Both ladies were wonderful though and each performances were rockin! Talk amongst yourselves....

Thursday, April 14, 2011

And we begin...

I am so excited for this show!  Not only for the wonderfully talented group that we have to work with but for the amazing story we get to tell! Although at moments there will be tears shed, we will still have a blast throughout the entire process!
For me the begining is always the hardest.   As I had said in rehearsal this week, it is always frustrating not being able to be perfect from the get go like we good actors (and by good actors I mean disciplined.  I'm not bringing my talent into this because that is subjective) like to be in any production we are luckily cast.  The music is wonderful and I cannot wait to learn it all and dive into the adventure that is Bare!  I hope everyone will join me in my journey of discovering Peter by following this blog and also join the cast and crew by coming and seeing the finished product! Thank you all for your time!  Find out what happens next week on...MY BLOG..until next week!

Lyric of the week:  "Everything is an act when you are pleasing everyone.."